

About Youth of North Carolina

What We Do:

What We Do

Youth of North Carolina (YONC) is North Carolina’s only grassroots organization dedicated to building resilient youth by bridging networks and collaborating with youth-serving organizations.

This is accomplished through:

  • Community advocacy on minimizing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

  • Youth Resilience Summit program – conference for adults that work, volunteer, or care about children

  • Youth Quake – Program designed for middle and high school youth helping to develop resiliency (the ability to draw upon inner strength, heal from traumas, manage stress, etc.)

  • Our collaborative model that connects the best resources from different nonprofits across the state

Our Mission


The mission of Youth of North Carolina, a 501(c)(3), is to provide the best-in-class supplemental training and support services through our collaborative model that helps to minimize Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) throughout North Carolina. We work collaboratively with all youth-serving organizations to educate, advocate, listen to community needs, and lead in making lasting changes to better the lives of our local youth. 

Our Vision


We envision a day when all youth in North Carolina will grow up safe, independent, and well-adjusted, giving them a competitive advantage as resilient adults.


We accomplish our mission by ...

Our Methods
  • Building statewide partnerships with youth serving organizations

  • Participating in local Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) prevention collaborations

  • Providing supplemental training for adults who serve children through our Youth Resilience Summit

  • Working in the community alongside diverse groups of caring adults with our face-to-face collaborative model

  • Supplying life skills training to youth through the Youth Quake program, building lasting resiliency
